Full Bio
Who am I and why might you want to work with me?
Like you, I’m an Infinite Being experiencing a physical existence. More specifically, I’m a Nagual, which is a type of mystic with a particular energy configuration that allows for the holding and wielding of high amounts of refined light. It gives me a lot of additional energy, which I have learned to utilise for purposes I can offer as gifts to all of life. My life’s purpose is to explore this potential, and it is my great privilege to share this journey with you, and to share with you all that I have learned.
“Healing is nothing more than the revelation of the purity underlying appearances.”
Just briefly, other roles I fulfil are spiritual healer, teacher, writer and all round creative entrepreneur. An eternal student of the mysteries of life, I’ve learned in equal parts from direct experience and exploration of what’s right in front of me, and from deeper forays into specialised study with selected teachers who meet the required depth I’ve been searching for. Deep metaphysics, ancient feminine shamanism and cutting-edge mysticism is my absolute passion!
I’ve been engaged in lifelong study of ancient spiritual traditions via many different sources, and have trained extensively at the Academy of Alchemy and other mystery schools founded by the world-renowned Mystic and Seer Almine – the “Seer of Seers”. I’m a dedicated student of this unparalleled work brought forth from the Infinite Mother, and this forms the backbone of my core devotion.
Professionally, I’ve worked in this field for over 10 years and have studied and continue to study in many other key areas, including advanced impeccable mysticism, metaphysics and healing, woman-centered coaching and embodiment, NLP, Time Line Therapy, quantum coaching, and so much more. I’m an initiated Grand Master of Belvaspata Angelic Healing of the Heart, the New Runes of the Infinite Mother, and multiple other advanced systems of evolving consciousness
On a more basic level, I live in mystical rural Ireland with my beautiful husband, the love of my life, and our five outrageous oriental cats, and enjoy the little things in life, such as nice tea, warm blankets and early mornings lying awake dreaming.
My “personal story” has been one of the deep healing of the psyche from the schism of separation and all that it entails. I can show you how to achieve this too and move into a new reality of transcendence of all that you have ever known before.
The psyche is our individuated consciousness, the lens through which we view our entire reality, and it is through the evolution of our own psyche that we evolve the whole of existence. I’ve experienced every kind of trauma going, and I promise you it’s not only possible to heal but to find the hidden treasure in your experience, changing “tragic to magic”, and truly becoming the embodiment of your highest vision.
The role of a Nagual in this new heart-based creation is to encourage in others the expression of their highest and most noble qualities… To “see” the beauty in all of life and to draw it out of its hiding by singing back to it its own harmonious and long-forgotten song. Hence it is my job to walk a path that demonstrates inseparable Oneness, not just as a distant memory, but as a living reality.
I am a constant work in progress, a painting never to be completed. Through my life I aim to create art, and it is my hope that you will enjoy my expression as much as I enjoy the being of it. My heartfelt desire is for you to see through my eyes the Infinite Beauty of yourself. You are so much more than you may currently realise.
Unshakeable Realisation
Many more excruciatingly painful life experiences, including much familial trauma that left me with severe and complex PTSD for many years, led me to the unshakeable realisation of my ability to self-heal from absolutely anything. It is my sincere belief that every being alive has this capacity, and my passion for sharing the possibilities of what I was experiencing for myself is what eventually led me to create the resources that you are currently reading.
I am a long-term and serious student of the Toltec Seer and Mystic Almine, who I encountered in 2011 following the previous years of preparation for her work. I humbly bring to you my lifetime of experiential learning as well as the inspiration and teachings gained from the rich and unparalleled array of materials brought forth directly from the Infinite by her, in the hope that it may bring you as much peace and fulfilment as it has brought to my own life.
In addition to the experience that I have gained so far during this lifetime, I also retain much memory of previous incarnations and the insights they have provided. This included many incarnations on planets elsewhere in the cosmos where peace and harmony is naturally prevalent and can be replicated following simple models. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the Earth is the cradle of civilisation. For this reason, the greatest concentration of Masters is actually present here right now. Earth is our home and “the place to be” for those who are wishing to experience the journey of evolution on the very cutting edge of its unfoldment!
My Background
I was “born running” and began proactively on my spiritual path at age four following my first major spiritual initiation. My childhood was one of great isolation, both literally and figuratively, where nobody around me was aware of my secret inner world. My parents moved our family back from South London to a tiny village in rural Ireland when I was 6 years old, and it was during this time, having been excluded from social involvement by the local children, that I began to be trained telepathically in the Toltec shamanic arts. I was born with fully operational extrasensory skills and abilities, which were much misunderstood as a small child and led me to being diagnosed with a variety of supposed “disorders” in my teen years. I spent several years under heavy medication, until finally at 19 years old an epiphany about my true nature led me to throwing off these shackles with intense conviction and never looking back.
As a being, I am in a lifetime of completion, which means I’m in a unique position to mentor you on the evolution of your consciousness beyond the cycles of linear change (life, death and rebirth/ascension), and the associated tyranny of karma. We are at a time in human history when awakening to our true potential is exponential, or at least it can be for those who choose to embrace a life without limits. It is my hope that by demonstrating this to you I may remind of your own potential as an expression of the Infinite itself.
It is my wish that you may glimpse through me a world that has long since been forgotten on Earth, but which is within our reach once again if we choose to see beyond linear vision. Yet I must reiterate that where we are going we have never been before – all that has been in the past can be bettered and more. If the past is but a dream and the future is yet to be dreamed, why limit the majesty of what it can be?
tHE Intention I bring to our work…
My Promise
My intention is to demonstrate to you what you can become if you put your heart and mind to it, and have absolute unwavering faith in that inner voice that calls you lovingly to your own self-created destiny. Have no fear, and you will be lifted up on wings of gold into your rightful position among the glittering stars of the heavens.
My life is proof that one can triumph out of even the most crushing of circumstances. I am here as a Wayshower to be a beacon of hope in what sometimes appears to be a dark world. I can assure you with utmost sincerity and confidence that the darkness we see is but the shadow of a life half lived, and that all darkness can be illuminated by the unquenchable Luminosity of our own being.
It is this conviction that has led me now to the role of awakening fellow Luminous Beings to the fullness of their divine identity, and assisting them in their process of self-actualisation, for it is these beings who are most equipped to bring greatest light in the most exponentially accelerated way to our rapidly changing planet.